Cosmetic Dentistry

You want to feel proud to show your smile, and we can help at Kevin Holley DMD Cosmetic Dentist in Greenville NC. We offer various cosmetic dental services to help improve the look and feel of your teeth. We know every patient is different, so we work with you to find the perfect solution for your needs.

Why Choose Cosmetic Dentistry in Greenville, NC?

People choose esthetic dental procedures/surgery for various reasons—repair a defect such as a malformed bite or crooked teeth, treat an injury, or improve their overall appearance. Whatever the reason, the ultimate goal is to restore a beautiful smile.

For these and many other reasons, esthetic dentistry has become a vital part of the dental profession.

Common procedures involve:

Dental Bonding: A procedure in which tooth-colored material is used to close gaps or change tooth color. It involves a special kind of durable resin. It can help to improve the look of your teeth, and it can also help to protect your teeth from damage.

Contouring and Reshaping: Dental contouring and reshaping is a cosmetic dental procedure used to improve the appearance of your smile by straightening crooked, chipped, cracked, or overlapping teeth. The process involves carefully removing small amounts of tooth enamel, the hard outer layer of the tooth. We etch the tooth using various tools, including specialized dental lasers, abrasives, and hand instruments. Although the results are not permanent, they can last for several years with proper care. We often use this procedure to correct minor irregularities in the shape of teeth, such as chips or cracks. We can also use it to adjust teeth’ alignment or make them look longer or shorter. In most cases, dental contouring and reshaping do not require any anesthesia.

Dental Veneers: A procedure in which we place ultra-thin coatings over the front teeth. We use veneers to correct a wide range of aesthetic concerns, including teeth that are chipped, stained, or misshapen. The veneers are bonded to the natural tooth enamel using a strong adhesive, and the process is usually completed in two dental visits. In addition to providing an immediate cosmetic improvement, dental veneers can also help protect the teeth’ surface from further wear and tear. As a result, they are often an excellent choice for people looking for a way to improve their smile.

Teeth Whitening: A bright smile can be a real confidence booster, but over time, teeth can become stained by coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco use. Teeth whitening is a popular and fast cosmetic dental procedure used to brighten teeth that have been stained or discolored.

Dental Implants: Dental implants can provide an ideal cosmetic dental solution. Not only do they restore the function of the teeth, but they also fill in gaps and correct other imperfections. Dental implants can give you the smile you have always wanted.

Which techniques should be used to improve your smile? The best way to discover some excellent cosmetic dental options is to schedule a consultation and exam. During the dental exam, Dr. Holley will consider many factors, including your oral health, and provide some helpful recommendations.

Cosmetic Dentistry is Not Just for Aesthetics

Some people may think that cosmetic dentistry is only for improving the appearance of teeth, but it can also improve oral health. Procedures such as contouring and reshaping can eliminate tooth decay, while veneers can protect damaged teeth from further decay.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Greenville Cosmetic Dentistry Appointment

Dr. Holley is highly-skilled and experienced in providing the best cosmetic dental service possible. We want you to be happy with your new smile, and we will work hard to ensure you love the results – a beautiful, healthy smile that will make you proud.

Please schedule an appointment today, and let us help you achieve the smile of your dreams in Greenville!

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